What are tulip bulbs


What are tulip bulbs

A tulip bulb is an amazing vessel, a blown underground stem that stores food energy. It contains an atomic factory with flower, splint, and root corridor, each ready to spring forth when conditions are right.

Like numerous other flowers, tulips are comestible! In fact, during World War II, tulips and tulip viands were frequently eaten by those who could not go to other foods. The flowers can be used to replace onions in numerous fashions and are indeed used to make wine.

Some atomic tulips naturalise well and will multiply and rebloom for numerous times, but utmost tulips won't rebloom if the bulbs are left in theground. However, it's stylish to dig them up and store them over the summer, If you want to keep them. After blooming, allow the leafage to wither and die back, also dig the tulips up.Send an email at business.glimpse.info@gmail.com for the topic Gardening Write For Us.
